Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a place. She lived with her mother, who had a funny voice and stirred a comically large invisible pot.
One day, her mother told her to be careful in the woods, because if she strayed from a path, a wolf might eat her.
Before Red could reply, a wolf burst through the door. He strutted about, waving his funny tail, and telling everyone he was hungry in a German accent.
Suddenly, a woodsman, burst it and chopped the wolf in the belly with a cardboard tube he found back stage.
Grandmother, in an effort not to be cut from the story, ran onto stage and leaped out from between the wolf’s legs. She danced around joyfully, singing in a jazzy voice to the scored music.
Little Red Riding Hood struggled to move downstage to say something, but the lights came down.
They all had drinks in the bar happily ever after, except for Red, who secretly worried for hours that she had ruined the whole scene.

Tony Beeman has lived in Seattle as a writer, performer, director and software developer since 1998. In addition to performing, directing and serving as Artistic Associate at Unexpected Productions in Pike Place Market, Tony performs regularly with 4&20 Improv, Seattle Experimental Theater, and Improv Anonymous. He has taught workshops in seven countries. His Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is INFP.
I got busy about 9 months ago and stopped checking my rss aggregator. I decided to get back on the wagon and was delighted to see this post :)
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